Last updated on August 25th, 2021

We all love keeping our pets clean all the time. Isn’t nice? They keep us company, especially when we are alone, watching movies, or depressed. For most of us though, keeping them neat and odorless is practically impossible. Our pets can only be tidy when we observe their hygiene at all times. Often after cleaning them, they may run outside and roll over a smelly heap of trash in the backyard, especially for dog pets. What if you have a pet who keeps peeing on the carpets?

Pet urine stains on our carpets make even the most hardworking housekeepers embarrassed. Most of these spots are often very noticeable, and the accompanying scents irritating. However, these stains can be removed. Therefore, it is always advisable to clean their pee immediately they mess the carpets otherwise it might be quite expensive to have it done professionally.

Most of the over the counter detergents can get the work done. However, the problem is when we leave the urine to dry on the carpets. When the urine dries, it crystallizes. These crystals are sometimes nearly impossible to clean out, hence if they are not done away with, they can be present for years, making breeding grounds for bacteria.

Some of the best carpet cleaners for pets urine stains on your carpet include:

  • Steam Mops
  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Baking soda or vinegar solutions
  • Use of the hydrogen peroxide and the dish soap method.

For fresh stains:

Check out some of the simple steps to efficiently getting out pet urine stains on your carpet.

  • Absorb the mess using paper towels or wet towels and add some weight to them to quickly absorb the fresh urine. The moisture from the damp cloth helps soak up the urine, while the pressure from the weight helps absorb the urine promptly.
  • Now, remove the towel and pour some cold water on the spot. A small amount of water will ensure the water doesn’t spread the urine into a wider circle. Let the water to soak in the stain for a minute.
  • To decompose the compounds producing the smells or stains, sprinkle some enzyme cleanser over the area. These non-toxic cleaners decompose the stains into their primary elements making it easier to clean. Fortunately, most of these enzymatic disinfectants are readily available at most pet stores, so you won’t have a hard time purchasing them.
  • You should then apply another towel or a wet cloth on the spot and absorb the detergent after washing, then clean or dispose of the towels after the activity.
  • In case the enzymatic cleaner fails to eradicate the stain, consider steam-cleaning the carpet or hiring a professional.
  • If the stain or urine also sprayed on your floor you can clean it easily by using any of this Best Floor Mop.

Cleaning old stains:

  • Begin by locating the old stain by whatever method available. You can consider using ultraviolet or fluorescent lights to thoroughly explore the area in case you are unable to identify the exact points.
  • After locating your spots, ensure to mark each point then go back with your cleaning materials and eliminate the stains easily.
  • You can try the enzymatic cleaners at the start, then wet the area with cold water, and allow it to sit overnight. In the morning as you remove it, you will be able to assess whether or not to use other methods.
  • In case you are unable to do away with the spot, steam-clean the old stains, use oxidation if necessary or hire a professional to do it for you.

Pet urine stains can be challenging, but the above procedures are all excellent and should be able to do away with stains even without hiring professional cleaners.